Robotic Canister Autosampler

The 7200A | 7650-M ‘Million Air™’ Analysis System is one of the most advanced instrument combinations ever developed for the analysis of volatile and light semi-volatile compounds in air and soil gas. Now, you can choose to analyze any size canister in your inventory with the quality assurance of direct inlet robotics. The 7650-M features the new Million Air™ option and the ability to preheat samples to 150°C for quantitative recovery of higher molecular weight compounds beyond the range of normal TO-15 analytes.

Update time:2023-12-29
Current location : HomeProductsAutomatic Sampler > 7650M Robotic Canister Autosampler > Robotic Canister Autosampler


The 7200A | 7650-M ‘Million Air™’ Analysis System is one of the most advanced instrument combinations ever developed for the analysis of volatile and light semi-volatile compounds in air and soil gas. Now, you can choose to analyze any size canister in your inventory with the quality assurance of direct inlet robotics. The 7650-M features the new Million Air™ option and the ability to preheat samples to 150°C for quantitative recovery of higher molecular weight compounds beyond the range of normal TO-15 analytes.

The 7200A and 7650-M canister autosampler minimizes carryover when exposed to high concentration samples by combining brief sample contact time, zero-dead-volume canister connections, and Accu-Sample™ technology found in the 7200. Accu-Sample™ control completely isolates samples within specific, low-volume flow path segments, and prevents trap exposure during important sample select and preflush operations. The 7200’s built-in loop option allows as little as 0.25cc to be precisely controlled and injected. The result is greater dynamic range and a reduction in the number of sample dilutions required when analyzing Soil Gas and other high-concentration samples.

Service Hotline

  • Address : 4F, Building 88, Zhihuiyuan, No. 1199, Qinzhou North Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai, 200233
  • Fax : 021-62191934

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